Mindfulness Training

Maintain a calm and alert state regardless of the circumstances.

Mindfulness Training

Learn to maintain a calm and alert state regardless of the circumstances. Our individualized VR meditation rooms can be tuned to your specific mood to create the ideal environment for your inner journey. These rooms can be accessed anyplace, anytime.

In addition, your individual VR meditation room provides the ideal gateway to Setting the Groove™, our state of the art VR and Neurofeedback training, which lets you effortlessly modify wavelengths in different brain regions to achieve a more harmonious and effective inner balance.

VRT’s mindfulness modules also incorporate the latest advances in positive imagery. Visualize yourself in calm, confident poses and experience the mirroring impact to increase your abilities to handle daily pressures or upcoming challenges.

Start your introductory VRT session today!

Your first session is free.


VRT is still in the concept development phase.  If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose Your Avatar

VRT is in the concept development phase and our Avatar creation process is still in draft form. If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose Your Guide

VRT is still in the concept development phase but we are very excited with the “Choose Your Guide” process.  We believe this approach will offer a major shift in the way VR therapy can be delivered.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose YourDestination

VRT is still in the concept development phase, but we are very excited with the “Choose Your Destination” process.  We believe it will offer a totally different way that therapists can work with clients to address specific barriers and goals.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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