About Us

Unique Services in Advanced VR Therapies

The year is 2025 and technology has brought about a true revolution in the role of therapy and therapists.

At VRT we’ve combined the latest in Virtual Reality, self-guiding tools, and AI (Avatar Intelligence) to allow you to design your journey in personal growth.  Our processes are intuitive, enlightening and above all fun!

Along with greater individual awareness, your voyage can be as socially meaningful and expansive as you’d like.  Embody your avatar to meet all kinds of people, share your insights and learn about their voyages as well.  Whether it’s new subtle understandings, extraordinary experiences or deep friendships, we at VRT want to be your helpful guide on your path to health, happiness, and self-discovery.

About the VRT Project

The first round of virtual and augmented reality products have entered the consumer market. Technophiles and technophobes alike see this as a milestone in our relationship to the growing intelligent network. However, the impact these new technologies will have on social relations and even our individual sense of self is currently unknown.

Launched in June 2017, VRT is a project started by Michael Greene, therapist, and Alf Brand, web developer, interested in exploring the implications of this rapidly evolving technology. Our faux therapy site presents a vision of how even here within one of the more sacred spaces of our secular world, where human connectedness is of primary importance, social interactions will undergo radical shifts. We imagine a suite of products and services designed to take advantage of new possibilities that will be available for social experiences and introspective growth, marketing their benefits and your need to purchase them.

We hope the “realness” of the offerings will inspire creative and thoughtful discussion. We appreciate you spending some time looking at the site and if you’d like to explore the implications of this “brave new world” with us, sign-up to receive our very occasional but definitely interesting upcoming newsletter.

Michael Greene

Michael Greene

Therapist, LCSW

Email Michael Greene
Alf Brand

Alf Brand

Web Developer

Email Alf Brand


VRT is still in the concept development phase.  If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose Your Avatar

VRT is in the concept development phase and our Avatar creation process is still in draft form. If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose Your Guide

VRT is still in the concept development phase but we are very excited with the “Choose Your Guide” process.  We believe this approach will offer a major shift in the way VR therapy can be delivered.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose YourDestination

VRT is still in the concept development phase, but we are very excited with the “Choose Your Destination” process.  We believe it will offer a totally different way that therapists can work with clients to address specific barriers and goals.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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