Unique Services in Advanced VR Therapies

As the leading provider of transformative virtual reality experiences, VRT understands that each person is distinct and individual. There is no one just like you! VRT allows you to discover exactly what you seek and tailors each experience to enhance you in the manner and at the pace you desire.

Every interaction with us will help you clarify your personal vision and overcome obstacles that block you from reaching it. Whether you want to re-view scenes that shaped your life, face and conquer a long-standing phobia or expand your sense of self by embodying symbolic personal heroes, we are here to support and transport you into the next episode of your journey.

You are the author of the story of your life.

The Space to Break Through


VRT offers a full range of therapies to help you gain personal insight, overcome barriers and deepen your friendships. Let us help you explore the immense possibilities in our wondrous virtual space as you advance on your path to health, happiness and self-discovery.


VRT’s commitment is to provide you with the platform and tools for your journey of self-growth. Whether you use our premium headsets and body wear or compatible commercial products, our technology assures a safe, secure and remarkable immersive experience.

About You

Let’s begin with you. Your interests, your dreams, your goals. This is the essence of VRT. From the moment you share your presence with us, whether to simply browse the site, or engage in a full range of therapeutic experiences, we want you to feel valued and know your time was well spent.



VRT is still in the concept development phase.  If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose Your Avatar

VRT is in the concept development phase and our Avatar creation process is still in draft form. If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose Your Guide

VRT is still in the concept development phase but we are very excited with the “Choose Your Guide” process.  We believe this approach will offer a major shift in the way VR therapy can be delivered.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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Choose YourDestination

VRT is still in the concept development phase, but we are very excited with the “Choose Your Destination” process.  We believe it will offer a totally different way that therapists can work with clients to address specific barriers and goals.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please send us an email address (we don’t share your information with other groups). We will keep informed with very occasional updates on the status of this work.

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